Thursday, July 1, 2010

Managing Stress

Managing Stress can be even more stressful if you don’t know how you manage it. Here are some ways to do it; coping with stress, recognizing stress, reducing stress, and analyzing stress. First you must recognize stress. You can do this by seeing if your stress is health or medical, mental or emotional, or behavioral. This can range for headaches to dryness of the throat. If you are having over 5 signs of stress then you are overly stressed. Now you need to analyze your stress and see how you can make it better. Think about what stresses you out, why does it stress you out, and how you can stop it from stressing you out. Now develop a game plan to reduce stress. This can be done by music, breathing exercise, relaxation routine, visualization, clearing your mind, energy-release activities, talking it out, and laughing. This all can help you manage your stress better.

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